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Crystal NFTs - A unique initiative to earn money while saving the world

Foto del escritor: Stefan AustermühleStefan Austermühle

Take part in a groundbreaking project that combines NFTs and carbon credits into a lucrative business that saves the world.

NFTs are the newest boom in the cryptoworld and their creation was the long announced following step after creating cryptocurrencies. NFT stands for ‘non-fungible token’. When something is fungible, like a dollar bill, it is equivalent to, and can thus be exchanged for, any other dollar bill. In contrast, a non-fungible token is a unique asset in digital form that cannot be exchanged for any other NFT. This means that every NFT is a ‘one-of-a-kind’ item. NFTs are transferred from one owner to another using blockchain technology, which creates a digital trail from seller to buyer that verifies the transaction. This encodes the unique ownership rights to the buyer (new owner). Assets include artwork, music, or in this case unique pictures of crystals. Because they are unique, NFTs are becoming sought after as collectibles. NFTs are marketed and distributed through online marketplaces. On such market places NFTs can be bought and sold and are traded between buyers while ofthen their value will increase over time and generate a profit.


Latest news - 18th ofApril 2022:

If you did not buy a Crystal NFT in the last 48 hours since the launch you already missed out on a 0.72% value increase.

You can buy your Crystal NFTs till 15th of May 2022 for a 50% reduced launch price. Then sales prices will be doubled.


Data gathered by Statista shows that the market cap of non-fungible tokens enjoyed almost a tenfold increase between 2018 and 2020. Last year, the NFT market nearly surpassed the global traditional art market: After starting with a market cap of nearly USD 1 billion at the start of the year, the NFT market swelled to just over USD 41 billion by the end of 2021, according to blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis. Since the first week in September 2020, at least $1 million has been spent on NFTs in any seven-day period. Of course, this isn’t much compared to the $176 million spent in the first week of May 2021, but since May, sales appear to have settled to between $10 and $20 million a week. Trading in nonfungible tokens hit $17.6 billion last year, an increase of 21,000% from 2020, according to a report from


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Generating NFTs from pictures, howevere, is nothing new. Platforms like "open Sea" do hold thousands of picture NFT collections, some made by re-known artists, some of doubtfull value made by people that want to make a quick bug riding the NFT hipe. Most people do buy such NFTs not only because they like them, but because they hope that their NFTs value will rise and generate a profit when selling it again in the future. However, buying an NFT is not free of risk, because there is no guarantee that its value will grow or will grow as much as one hopes. Nearly none of the existing NFTs is backed up by some REAL value. As the number of rapidly NFTs grows the latter type of non-artistic mass-NFTs runs a strong risk of loosing value rather than gaining it, because those NFTs have no base value at all and are objects of pure speculation. Therefore there is increasing talk about the creation of asset-backed NFTs and many companies look into opportunities to combine the concept of NFTs with their real world core-business. Many companies do so by combining NFTs with sales strategies for their products or do offer special benefits to NFT holders. Gemrock Peru, a peruvian crystal mining and lapidary production company which is a global wholesaler of metaphysical products, decor products and jewelry made from peruvian stones and semiprecious stones does the same by guaranteeing Holders of NFTs a permanent discount on all their products sold under different brand names such as:

  • Gemrock.Shop: The companies international retail website offering metaphysical crystal products, decor products and jewelry.

  • Bouget: The companies international retail brand for unique contemporary jewelry and stone-art like hand-made sculptures

  • Aura - Arte en mineral: The companies national retail sales brand in Peru for the above mentioned products

However, the company does not stop here and has recently announced the launching of its unique project combining the world of minerals, with NFT technology and, even more innovative, with a climatesaving rainforest conservation project. This last component sets the project apart from all other asset-based NFT projects seen so far. Gemrock Peru SAC was foundet in 2017 and by now wholesales and retails its products to hundreds of crystal shops in 5 different continents. The company also has become a leader in ethical and environmental friendly crystal-mining and lapidary production on a global scale. Now Gemrock Peru has set itself a new goal: The company wants to become not only the first carbon neutral lapidary company but the world’s first carbon positive crystal company and on top of it they want to earn money with saving the world.

Crystals will save trees:

Being a fine-mineral trading company, Gemrock Peru has a huge collection of high quality crystals for sale and it is this collection which will form the basis for the Crystal-NFT project to be launched by the company on the "Open Sea" NFT-Platform on 15. of April 2022. In the first months of the project Gemrock Peru will mint 1,000 unique picture NFTs from their huge crystal collection, a number that will rise over time to a limit of 10,000 NFTs. Defining limits in total numbers is a special feature of NFTs and cryptocurrencies alike, generating scarcity and therefore guaranteeing price increases over time while avoiding devaluation of the products.

50% of the profits generated from the sales of Gemrocks Crystal-NFTs will be invested in the re-forestation of a least 200 hectares of Peruvian Andean cloud forest, turning the tide of rainforest deforestation and creating habitat for thousands of animal and plant species. This rescued forest area will absorb every year 2,000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere, helping to reduce climate change. By selling the carbon credits, the project will be able to provide annual financial benefits to NFT holders.


Buy it till 15th of May for a reduced start-price

A carbon credit is a permit that allows the owner to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. One credit permits the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases. Companies that pollute are awarded credits that allow them to continue to pollute up to a certain limit. That limit is reduced periodically. Meanwhile, the company may sell any unneeded credits to another company that needs them. Private companies are thus doubly incentivized to reduce greenhouse emissions. First, they must spend money on extra credits if their emissions exceed the cap. Second, they can make money by reducing their emissions and selling their excess allowances.

A tree planting project like the one of Gemrock Peru creates additional forest. As trees grow by extracting carbon from the atmosphere and incorporating it into their wood, trees actually clean the air. A hectar of forest can extract 10 to 20 tons of carbon from the air per year. Therefore forest projects are providers of carbon credits that can be bought by companies. This way the forest project generates income from the trees capacity to clean the air.

By combining NFTs with the carbon credit market Gemrock Peru generates a new generation of NFT: An asset-backed NFT. In fact Crystal-NFTs will work like a share in the carbon project and even if the value of the NFT would not rise or even fall, holders still will generate a considerable profit from the annual payouts the carbon project will provide them with. This makes Gemrocks crystal-NFTs being the so far most secure NFT investment existing, by opening up three independent income streams for investors:

  1. Permanent discount based savings when buying Gemrock products as long as you hold at leat one crystal NFT.

  2. Increased value because you are holding your NFTs in the Cryptocurrency Ethereum which is increasing itsvalue on its own. One ETH was worth 187.85 USD on 18th of April 2020. It is worth now on 17th of April 2022 3048.26 USD. This corresponds to a value increase of more than 1600% in only two years.

  3. Increased value of the NFTs thrue rising demad and limited-number scarcity, with possible profits to be made when reselling the NFT.

  4. Anual payouts from carbon credit sales, once the trees start growing.


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Apart of the feel-good component of helping to reduce climate change and saving species by recovering lost habitat, the fact that Gemrock Peru chose a re-forestation project provides an additional economic opportunity of huge potential. The value of the global carbon market increased by 20% in 2020 to Eur 229 billion ($272 billion), financial analysis company "Refinitiv" said in a report Jan. 27. 2021. The increase in value marks the fourth consecutive year of record growth for the global carbon market, which has expanded more than five-fold since 2017. In 2021 the value of traded global markets for carbon dioxide (CO2) permits grew even more by 164% to a record 760 billion euros ($851 billion).

In addition to mandatory carbon trading markets, there are also growing markets for companies and organizations who voluntarily seek to offset their carbon emissions. As the possibility of universal carbon pricing and a single, international market become ever more likely, a growing number of independent companies are looking to get ahead of the trend and do their part to reduce carbon emissions by participating in voluntary carbon regulation and credit trading.

In 2020 21% of the world’s largest 2,000 public companies have set net-zero commitments. The voluntary carbon market (VCM), where companies, organisations or individuals purchase carbon credits generated from projects to reduce emissions, had a turnover of $1 billion in November 2021, putting the year on course for an all-time high annual value.

The significance of such data for the Gemrock re-forestation project could not be greater: Currently 1 ton of carbon has a value of 15 USD. The projected 200 hectar re-forestation area of Gemrock Peru will generate the annual absorption of 2,000 tons of carbon during its first years, when trees are still small, which at present would result in an annual income of 30,000 USD. Estimating the maintenance cost of the area at approximately 15,000 USD per year this results in an annual profit of 15,000 USD to be paid out to NFT holders. While 100% over cost of annual profit is a good result for a company, receiving a small share for each NFT from 15.000 USD may not appear to be exiting for some potential NFT-buyers. When looking at the growth predictions of the carbon market, however, the project starts shining:

First of all, as the trees are growing they will absorb each year more carbon. Annual income will double over the course of the first ten years and as maintenance costs will stay the same, meaning annual payouts to NFT holders will tripple.

A second factor is the value of the carbon credits themselves: Prices for each ton of CO2 have been rising five-fold over the course of the last three years from 3 USD to the current 15 USD. Global studies by recognized institutions and companies in the carbon credit market do foresee that the price for a ton of carbon will increase till 2030 to at least 100 USD per ton. With the first payout being planned for 2027 Gemrock therefore estimates a profit to be shared of aroximately 120 000 USD, while having the same stable annual maintenance costs of 15,000 USD. In 2030 those annual profits to be shared with NFT-holders would arrive at 200 000 USD.

But it’s getting even better: The same previously mentioned international studies do conclude that the price for carbon credits will rise to at least 200 USD/t in 2040. Taking into account that by then Gemrocks trees will have reached a mature size, they will also double the amount of carbon extracted from the air. Both factors together will result in a yearly income generated of 800 000 USD in 2040. So even if the NFTs value would never ever grow a bit, NFT investors with a long term vision will be able to take part in a very lucrative investment. According to gemrocks estimate the average annual payout over the course of the projects life may reach 50 cents for each originally invested USD. Meaning that over the course of a 40 year lifespan of the project each USD invested in buying a Crystal-NFT at launch time, should grow 20-fold.

Most interstingly, the above estimated profits are completely independent from any speculation loss or gain on the NFT market. In fact, the combination of three worlds (crystals, trees and NFT) creates a project with a level of investment security that has yet to be matched by any other NFT project out in the blockchain universe.


Buy yours till 15 th of May for a reduced start price

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