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About me

Stefan Austermühle n_edited.jpg

Hi, I am Stefan!

I am a German biologist with a career of 37 years in biological research, environmental conservation and ecotourims development. I am a professional diver, boat pilot and photographer. I produced and helped producing a number of TV-documentals about Nature. I am acitve as journalist and book author on environmental and animal rights topics.


A few years back I started a second career as gemcutter, lapidary cutter, crystal collector and seller, stone maison and jewelry artist and created the Peruvian gemstone company Gemrock Peru with a number of associated brands. Gemrock Peru aims to be an environmental friendly and ethical crystal mining, - production and global wholesale company.


Finally I am intersted in the changes, dangers and oportunities cryptocurrencies, NFTs, megaverse and AI will provide for our future. I am actively engaged in projects that try to use those technologies to benefit nature conservation and human development.


In this blog I am writing about all those topics. If you want to learn more about me, my projects and my professional background, have a look at my personal website. 

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